Sunday, March 18, 2012

Monday Listicles...Spring Edition

1.  Spring has sprung!

2. Everything is turning green.

3. The driveway is covered with chalk drawings.

4. There are birds chirping in the trees.

5. The beginnings of beautiful flowers are shooting up.

6. We are playing outside from morning to night.

7. The grass has gone from brown to green in a matter of days.

8.  There have been some very happy children around here.

9. With a happy mama to match.

10. Time to feed the birds, again.

Thanks, Jacqui...we had so much fun doing this.

All of these photos were taken in our backyard where Spring is in full bloom.

I can hardly contain myself. Can you feel my happiness oozing out?

a Monday Listicle Chicks Dont Like Cages...