Apple-picking, pumpkin-patching, leaf-dancing memories.
Crisp, frosty morning runs; leaves crunching beneath my feet.
Silly faces carved in pumpkins; candlelight bringing them to life at night.
Warm apple crisp with scoops of vanilla; our cozy house filled with the soothing scent of cinnamon and our bellies filled with sweet, brown sugar goodness.
The countdown to trick-or-treats; costumes picked; candy buckets bought. Sweet candy dreams fill their little minds; already talking about candy trades while mama decides on her hiding place for Milky Ways, Milk Duds, and Kit Kats of her own.
Trying to hang on to the last slivers of the Indian Summer; the warmth of the sun; the walks to the park.
I soak up the sun and tuck it in the farthest corner of my mind; just like the memories of leaf-dancing, apple-picking, pumpkin-patching moments; forever to be cherished to warm my soul on the winter days to come.

Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it,
and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive
autumns. ~George Eliot
For you, what does autumn evoke?