Friday, May 20, 2011



It's slipping away from me...too quickly.


From the time I open my sleepy eyes in the morning until I close them at night...there's never enough...


Time to play...outside, or in, color, or snuggle, teach my almost 5 year old to spell his REAL name, not the nickname we so lovingly call him that he's been able to spell for years; time to get just enough stuff done around the house to stay afloat; time to do all the things I said I'd do later, when there's more...


When my newborn son suddenly turned into an almost-third grader, and instead of playing happily on the floor with his beloved tractors, he now can't wait for his soccer games and baseball practices and overnight birthday parties; and his beloved tractors haven't been given a second thought because he no longer has time...


When just last week my "baby" still needed me to guide her and hold her hand when she was taking her first steps...she now pushes my hands away...for she can now do it on her own.

Last night, when it was just me and Anna, getting our hands and knees dirty planting our gorgeous flowers her and I picked out together.


Is all I ask for...

For more hugs and more giggles, more playing and less working, no more I'll play with you later... is the time.