Friday, December 9, 2011

January, February, March...

I can barely remember what happened yesterday, let alone what happened in January, and I didn't start blogging regularly until March, so I'm relying on memory, which is fading because I'm getting old, but I'm going to give it a whirl.

January: Anna turned 6 and my husband turned 40.

This little guy....

when he learned of his Papa's age, told him he was "halfway to dead".

I don't remember anything else about January...

I've blocked it from my memory because of our harsh winter; the cold; the snow; the days on end with no sun; you get the idea. I was in misery!

February: We celebrate Valentine's Day every year with a heart-shaped scavenger hunt. I hide hearts all over the house, write clues on the back, and it leads them to their prize at the end. (Pretty sure I got that idea from Jon and Kate plus 8)...don't hate.

I also wrote a letter to the groundhog on Groundhog's Day: It went something like this:
Dear Groundhog,
Thank you for not seeing your shadow today, which means we'll have an early spring. Apparently you haven't seen the size of our snowbanks around here. They are taller than me at the end of our driveway, so we will be lucky to have spring by June... 

which wasn't too far off. It was the middle of May before it actually warmed up. Do you hear me Groundhog? 

March: I wrote a tribute to my dad for his birthday (because of course I was late mailing his card). 

I also gave up french fries for 30 can read about that here. 

I had one of the most hilarious Wordless Wednesday posts, thanks to my son, and you can see that here. 

I think that about sums up January, February, and March. 

Do you remember what happened this year? 

Write a it up...there are PRIZES involved! 

If you link up every week you get a bonus point...and if you don't know the rules, you can read them here.