Monday, January 9, 2012


Be the change you wish to see in the world...

Remember this mug? 

My very favorite sweet-and-creamy-coffee-holding mug? 

The one that reminds me daily to "be the change"...


As I was putting the dishes away on Saturday...

Not even two short minutes after I scolded Jacob for who knows what, which led him to throw the T.V. remote across the room and shatter into a few pieces, which led me to yell at him to get to his room and ground him from his favorite Star Wars game for the rest of the day, (which might really be more of a punishment for me than for him)...

my mug flew...not joking...FLEW out of the cupboard and broke. 

My plans are to superglue it.

But the last time I superglued something, the fingers on my left hand bonded together, and the fingers on my right hand bonded to the ornament I was gluing in the first place. 

How did this happen? The bottle exploded...

all over my hands...

and my family laughed at me, because it really was quite hilarious. 

So for now, I will let it sit on the counter...

reminding me by the minute to "be the change"...

because if that isn't a wake-up call, I don't know what is.