Monday, January 2, 2012

Ten Things to Smile About

So many things to smile about...

Decorating Christmas cookies and watching as the kids devour the leftover frosting.

These girls sharing a love like no other...

All four of my kids finally healthy after four very long weeks of sickness...

just in time to celebrate Christmas.

Capturing a picture as the sun was setting

Having a popcorn/movie night with the kids.

Fresh out of the bath, with her new pj's and her big sister's sparkly shoes on...

playing on the laptop, just like mama.

Moments like this...

And this...

And this...

perfectly sweet and creamy, just the way I like it.

One last thing to smile about...I started a photo blog. It's called My Happy Place. My hopes are to do the 365 project (or this year the 366 project).

What made you smile lately?