Sunday, January 1, 2012

Memories, Dreams, Reflections...

of 2011; in pictures.

Memories, Dreams and Reflections

1. Me! What are you most proud of accomplishing in 2011?

My half-marathon finish! That's me after the race. Looking all sweaty and feeling marvelous!

2. I love you.

My husband...

and our kids.

3. Still laughing...

at what? I don't know, but his laugh is contagious.

4. Winter wonderland.

5. Birthday

Two 'best-buddy-brothers' wanted to celebrate their birthdays together.

7. I was inspired by...

Stasha from the Good Life. Her photos are quite amazing and beautiful, and she is the one that inspired me to learn more about photography.

8. Spring Fever...

We didn't really have a was one LONG winter, dragged out until the end of May.

Notice the hats, and sweatshirts?

10. Summer Days...
I have a million pictures of the favorite season of the here are just a few.

11. A Day in the Life..
It's usually really loud around here.

 and a little bit messy and sticky, too...
 but, I wouldn't want it any other way.

12. All smiles

This is one of my favorite smiling pictures of all time.

14. Autumn harvest

15. Family or Home

a rare picture of all 6 of us in one picture.

18. Beautiful...

the little lake, not too far from our house, in summer...


and winter.
Dress up!


Macro-favorite macro shot...

this was my first macro shot ever. Before July, I didn't even know what a "macro-shot" meant.


My favorite memory of 2011...

seeing my family cheering me on at the finish line. Best moment ever!

Don't ever change...

my favorite running trail, covered with snow. I hope my legs and body will allow me to run until my dying days. Sounds corny, huh?

Just because...this picture doesn't fit into any other category, but I really love it.

my oldest; so thoughtful and serious.

Hopes and Dreams...for 2012.

More of this...

Love, beauty, laughter, no-fighting, happy-filled days...

that I'm sure to capture with my always-present camera.