Sunday, February 12, 2012

Love Actually...

1. is one of my favorite movies.

2. Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays. Some people may think it's just a Hallmark card, commercialized, sappy, mushy day only for lovers. But, I feel it's a day to celebrate love...
for everyone.

3. Even though I'm a hopeless romantic, who cries at sappy movies, and sometimes Hallmark commercials, I'm also a realist; I know it's not always heroes rescuing damsels in distress...

but don't we all need a little rescuing sometimes?

4. Wouldn't it be nice if someone came galloping in and swept you off your feet, and you lived out your happily ever after?

5. Wouldn't it be nice if the world ran on love instead of intolerance?

Is that what the X's and O's stand for? Hugs and kisses?

What if every day was dedicated to love and hugs and kisses?

In honor of Valentine's Day, go hug or kiss someone...

or smile at someone, or hold a door open for someone...

Because if you look hard enough...