Thursday, May 24, 2012

Wide Open Spaces

I could never be a big city girl. I crave the music of the birds, a wide open field, a stream running alongside my favorite running trail; a trail that leads me to my wide open spaces.

Green fields splattered with wildflowers, not a car in sight.

Miles and miles of trail in front of me; green leaves against blue sky; butterflies flitting past me; pure, fresh air clearing my brain of unwanted clutter.

I run and run and lose track of time. I turn my music down low; my steps, my breathing, the wind through the trees; those are the only sounds I hear.

Running is my sanctuary; my own little piece of heaven right here on Earth.

Running is my quiet...

my sunrise...

my being-one-with-nature...

my great escape.

Anyone want to go for a run? 

*all photos taken with my phone on various runs