Friday, August 19, 2011

My Happy...

These pictures don't do justice to what I saw on my run yesterday morning. There were purple, pink, and white wildflowers all along the running trail. And when I came around a corner, I came across these...

An entire field of yellow far as my eyes could see. My favorite flowers are daisies. Later that morning I took all the kids back so we could pick some and take some pictures....which leads me to this...

Morning trips to places unknown...which will no longer be possible in a couple of weeks when the older kids go back to school.
I love these four little punks.

Evening trips to the park....

Without the oldest...because he needed some "alone time". The husband was home with him so they had some "alone time" together.

Anna got her ears pierced. No tears. 

And for good measure, because coffee really does put me in a happy latest find at Sam's.

See how it says GOOD KARMA? I'm a karma person; and a coffee person. Good karma on good coffee rocks.