Tuesday, August 23, 2011

So Sweet...

Just look at her face...

So sweet...

So innocent...

And the mastermind behind all things mischievous and destructive.

Things such as...

Sticking the garden hose up the dryer vent on the outside of the house and turning the hose on...

leading to a flood in the bathroom/laundry room...TWICE.

Torturing this little boy...

who listens to the mastermind, but then ends up screaming and crying so loudly (on the front sidewalk), a curious driver stops in the middle of the street to see if anyone is in danger.

Filling up my half-empty perfume bottles with water and spraying them on the bathroom walls...to CLEAN.

Flooding the bathroom floor, every. single. night. at bath time...even when I'm standing RIGHT THERE.

She really is sweet, though...