A painfully shy little girl, about 5 or 6, with long, blonde curls; clutching her Golden Book story of Cinderella. Carefully clinging to every word, to every picture; wanting to escape into the pages and doing so only in her overactive imagination. That little girl is now Cinderella; nice, kind, talking-to-the-animals Cinderella; wishing that some day her prince WOULD come and rescue her. Even if it wasn't a prince; even if it was just someone...anyone.
With each page turned, her reality shrinks farther away. Smiles light up her face replacing the far-too-many frowns of a 5 year old.
In her mind, her very own fairy godmother comes to save her. With a special little song and a couple of waves of her magic wand...everything wrong is made right; all things sad are made happy. She no longer cries herself to sleep at night; she is no longer afraid.
Her rags turn into beauty.
She is transformed.
With each page turned, she gets closer to the end; she takes extra time now, reading certain lines over, not yet ready for the fairy tale to end. She looks more closely at that gorgeous, sparkling dress; those slippers made of glass; and as the clock strikes twelve running; running so the prince won't see the reality of what is Cinderella.
The little girl is out of breath now; so caught up in the fairy tale it is hard to distinguish fact from fiction. She knows how it ends; it's the same every time. The only thing that changes is Cinderella's face; it becomes her own as she imagines her happily ever after.
The End.
It's what we all hope for, isn't it? We all want everything to be neatly tied up in a bow.
In fiction, this can be, well, a little boring. Or predictable.
This week, we'd like you to write a scene that includes a happy ending - it doesn't have to be the actual END of your story, if you're working on continuations, but it should include at least one challenge for your hero to overcome.