Friday, June 24, 2011

When Life Gives You Nuts...

My favorite line from Forrest Gump: Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna get. 



Can be biting into that piece of chocolate filled with sweet caramel goodness. When everyone is happy and we've had a great day. There was plenty of time for cuddles and hugs, and playtime galore. More smiles than tears, no yelling, no fights.


As of late has been the nut-filled chocolate...the kind I hate. More yelling than laughs, more naughty, less nice.


When Jacob was 4 and Anna was 3, was different then. We would all watch Supernanny together. We would say things like, Those kids are so naughty! *Gasp* Can you believe how mean those kids are? 

Well, guess what? Those kids are my kids...ok, not nearly as bad...but some days...*gasp*...I can't believe how naughty they are.


Has given me nuts and I need help; maybe in the form of Supernanny; maybe in the form of building an apartment over our garage for the kids' "naughty corner". I need to stop repeating myself over and over like a broken record; asking them to do simple things like: put your wet towels in the dirty clothes basket, brush your teeth, clear your plate, no fighting, no yelling, no screaming...the list goes on and on.


Needs to give me some caramel-filled days. I need to feel the joy of motherhood again.

I need to feel happy to see my kids in the morning instead of resenting the fact that they are awake so early, giving way to more fighting. Fighting is the first thing they do when they wake up and the last thing they do before bed. Some days are better than others, and some days I would like to pull my hair out one strand at a time.


Isn't always a caramel-filled chocolate piece of heaven. It's sometimes nuts...and I really hate nuts.


Is what you make of it. Choosing triumph over despair; choosing happy over sad; smiles instead of frowns. And in case I can't do this? I'm calling Supernanny.

This week focus on the words and the strength of each to contribute to your story. Write a 300 word piece using the following word for inspiration: LIFE.